Tag Archives: parent
Does bedtime reading help children sleep?
Expecting a baby is such a special yet confusing time, especially for first-time parents. The moment you step out of the hospital, you realise that you are on your own, tending to the new human being you brought into
5 Practical Tips to Master Bedtime Reading
Bedtime reading is one of the most underrated gems of parenthood. Although not many parents realise, bedtime reading actually holds a multitude of benefits for the parent and for the child. Regular bedtime reading in babies and toddlers is scientifically
Books that Give You Value for Your Money
Children’s storybooks may feel quite the same, offer the same benefits, have the same purpose, do the same function. But if you look closer and spend more time getting to know each book you give to your child, thoroughly
School Readiness: The Role of Home Learning in Early Child Development
School readiness refers to the child’s preparedness by the time they start school. Recent research conducted by the National Literacy Trust (NLT) showed that school readiness affects the child’s school performance by the time they start the school