Tag Archives: benefits
Does Shared Reading In Childhood Affect Reading Appetite In Adulthood?
Reading is a fundamental part of childhood. Yet, many parents find it hard to get their kids to sit down and read. It is an important part of the child’s development. In fact, early childhood educators suggest building a
5 Practical Tips to Master Bedtime Reading
Bedtime reading is one of the most underrated gems of parenthood. Although not many parents realise, bedtime reading actually holds a multitude of benefits for the parent and for the child. Regular bedtime reading in babies and toddlers is scientifically
Reading for pleasure: an intrinsic motivator to achieve academic success
Reading for pleasure refers to the child’s ability to freely choose a time to read because they actually enjoy reading rather than being forced to read in fear of punishment, or choosing to read in exchange for a reward
Books that Give You Value for Your Money
Children’s storybooks may feel quite the same, offer the same benefits, have the same purpose, do the same function. But if you look closer and spend more time getting to know each book you give to your child, thoroughly
No Reset Button In Parenting: Reasons Why You Should Invest In Your Child’s First Five Years of Life
The child’s first five years are considered to be the most important phase of a child’s life. The period from the time they are born until the time they reach 5 years old is where most of the
Art of Storytelling: Elements of a Good Storytime
Storytelling is the way of the world, says Ashley Jefferson an Early Years Professional. Storytelling is an important part of every culture, it is the medium in which culture, tradition, practices, language, behaviour, and history is passed on from one